Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Planning Meeting for March

Next planning meeting is set for Manhattan Manor, Carbondale, Friday, March 23 at 7 PM. If you didn't vote on the Doodle poll, but you are planning to attend, please let us know and we'll call to reserve more seating. Email

  • Reviewing list of alumni not yet located
  • Continuing to list classmates who were in our class throughout the years
  • Additional ideas for the day

If you can't make the meeting, but have any ideas you'd like brought up for discussion, click POST A COMMENT below and let us know. We're listening. Hope you had a Happy Valentines Day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

It's Unanimous!!

Votes came in 100% for Crystal Lake Hotel Lakeside for our 40th class reunion. You can view the results of the voting poll here~> Doodle.

Just nailed down the details of the day with Patrick today. They are:
  • Location: Crystal Lake Hotel Lakeside
  • Date: Saturday, September 8, 2012
  • Time: 3 PM to ?
  • Food: Separate checks, no deposit required, order off choice of 3 limited dinner menus- Chicken/Beef/Fish. If you are vegetarian please let us know, you will be accomodated.
  • Drinks: Cash bar
  • Music: Compliments of Joe Guzzi
  • Accomodations: Guest rooms available for overnight guests.
We will need to give a final head count 2 weeks prior to the event. From the poll it looks as though we have a very preliminary head count of 28 classmates x 2 (if most bring a guest/spouse) = 56 attendees so far. We will be polling over the next few months on your intentions to attend. As the time gets closer we will send a Doodle poll for your definite committment. We will also ask you to specify your dinner choice (beef/chicken/fish/vegetarian/no dinner) at that time. We are still trying to locate the classmates listed in red on our Alumni page. If you have any information on any of them please get in touch. We are hoping for a great turnout, we haven't all been together in years.

We will be sending an email to schedule the next reunion planning meeting. Next up on the agenda, hunting down contact information for those classmates we have not yet located, discussing any further ideas about the reunion itself. If you are not yet on the emailing list please contact us at

Meanwhile 2 trivia questions.. who jumped out of Clyde's classroom window onto
the small ledge next to the front door and how do we get in touch with him to attend??