Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Next Two Reunion Meetings

OK, got feedback from Doodle, and checked with Marina
the majority of classmates can meet on:

Thursday May 3 at 7 pm at the Ben Mar and
Friday June 1 at 7 pm at the Crystal Lake Hotel.

Mark your calendars and plan to come out those nights!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rescheduling May 18th

Hi all, Marian will be out of town on May 18th, we are rescheduling that date. Watch this spot for the update!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ben Mar and Crystal Lake.. Two Nights Out!

Hi everyone, dates set (majority available) for the next reunion meetings are Friday May 18 at 7 pm at the Ben Mar where we will continue to gather information for those still not located, and Friday June 1 at 7 pm at the Crystal Lake Hotel to discuss final plans for the reunion. Patrick will be there, he said he will be very busy, but available if we do need him. He will provide menus we can look over to plan our limited reunion menu. We will then be able to get pricing for those who plan to order dinner the evening of the reunion. We can also nail down any other specifics we'd like to talk about. I made reservations for 10-12 of us at Crystal Lake since Friday is a busy night there. As always spouses are welcome.

Hoping some out of towners might be able to meet with us either of these dates. If you did not sign up on Doodle, but are planning to come, please email slccmailbox-reunion@yahoo.com so I can call Patrick and reserve a larger table at Crystal Lake for the 1st.

And finally, we will be running an announcement in the free section of the Carbondale News announcing our reunion date. We're rollin!

And now for your *listening pleasure*, see post below for a walk down *memory lane*

The Land of Hatchy Milatchy Theme Song

Ben Mar and Crystal Lake.. Two Nights Out!

Hi everyone, dates set (majority available) for the next reunion meetings are Friday May 18 at 7 pm at the Ben Mar where we will continue to gather information for those still not located, and Friday June 1 at 7 pm at the Crystal Lake Hotel to discuss final plans for the reunion. Patrick will be there, he said he will be very busy, but available if we do need him. He will provide menus we can look over to plan our limited reunion menu. We will then be able to get pricing for those who plan to order dinner the evening of the reunion. We can also nail down any other specifics we'd like to talk about. I made reservations for 10-12 of us at Crystal Lake since Friday is a busy night there. As always spouses are welcome.

Hoping some out of towners might be able to meet with us either of these dates. If you did not sign up on Doodle, but are planning to come, please email slccmailbox-reunion@yahoo.com so I can call Patrick and reserve a larger table at Crystal Lake for the 1st.

And finally, we will be running an announcement in the free section of the Carbondale News announcing our reunion date. We're rollin!

And for your *listening pleasure*, see post above for a walk down *memory lane* 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Manhattan Manor..

.. in C'dale. Nice job George and Mary Jane.. great place! I highly recommend it, especially the risotto balls! Several classmates met there recently and discussed continuing to try to contact those for whom we do not yet have email/snail mail addresses. We split up the list. We know you're out there. And we *will* find you   :D

At the suggestion of Maryann Spellman Young just made up a new Facebook page to aid in the hunt. One page is a friend page, Stroseclass Ofseventytwo. If you have a Facebook you know that some pages, such as that one, are able to visit other pages and leave a message. A second page, St Rose Class of 1972 Reunion, is a page that can post announcements, but cannot post on other pages. If you do not have a Facebook I believe you will be able to see some of the postings. Both are meant to aid us in our search. FRIEND US!

Next meeting is slated for the Ben Mar, JOIN US! Meeting after that will be at Crystal Lake Hotel so we can begin to finalize details with Patrick for our *big day*.  Look for a Doodle link in your next email so we can schedule those meetings. Out-of-towners will get all the Doodle links to keep you posted on when/where we are meeting, especially in case you are able to come in and meet with us.

Any suggestions, thoughts, addresses, hellos, click Comments below and leave us a message!