Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pics, Pics, Pics!

~Crystal Lake~
Sent in by Nancy!

Anne, Marian

Bev, Nancy, Maryann

Maryann, Nancy

Maryann, Nancy, Nancy

Bev, Sharon, Josefa, Rosemarie, Nancy, Nancy, Maryann

Sheila, Bev, Frannie, Sharon, Nancy

Josefa, Maryann, Anne

Ellen, Maryann

Mary Carol, Josefa, Anne

Barney, Ed, Mike, Jackie (Spouses)

Nancy, Tommy, Nancy

Mary Jane, Nancy, Reenie, Ellen

The crew!

The crew 2!!

Patty, Zoe, Anne

Anne, Maryann, Ann, Marina

Nancy, Art
Ellen, Josefa, Nancy, Anne, Nancy, Maryann, Bev

Ellen, Josefa, Anne, Nancy, Maryann, Bev

Anne, Marina, Nancy, Tricia

The girls!
Maura, Rosemarie, Josefa
Sheila, Bev, Sharon, Josefa, Mary, Nancy, Nancy, Maryann
Da class!
Thanks Nancy!

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Classic Moment with Fr McCann...

Thanks for this walk back in time Roger. You're the best :D
(*Full length feature* coming soon to a blog near you.. well.. this one anyway)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Party's Over..

.. it's time to call it a day  :(

What a WONDERFUL time with the best group of classmates ever to grace a St Rose hallway. Well, I can't really say that, so many classes before and after us are comprised of the best people I have ever known. But alas, our reunion weekend is over...

~Camelot was excellent~
Tony, Ronnie, Rosemarie, Sheila
Tony, Zoe, Walter, Shane, Tricia
Zoe, Walt, Jim, Ellen
Scott, Jim, Bob (Spouses)
Mary Jane, Josefa
Tricia, Tony, Judy

Rosemarie, Ronnie

Walt, Zoe


Tricia, Sheila, Marina

Josefa, Bev

Josefa, Maryann
Josefa, Mary Jane, Sheila, Rosemarie, Ellen
Ronnie, Judy, Tony, Rosemarie, Josefa, Bev

~Crystal Lake was awesome~
*Just the girls*
Thank you Mary Moon Dzielak for the centerpieces!
Sean, Roger and his wife, Marian, Patty, Jim 
Artie, Shane, Tricia, Terri, Mary Martha, Judy
Bev, Sheila, Mary Ann, Nancy

Walt, Zoe, Ann
Marian, Tricia, Shane
Reenie, Phil, Sharon, Walt, Zoe
Mary Jane
Mary, Marina, Sheila, Cindy, Mary Ann
Richie, Ronnie
Bev, Frannie, Sharon, Nancy, Reenie, Cindy

Shane, Bobby, Tim, Tom

Frannie, Mary

Patty, Marian
Nancy, Mary, Anne, Maryann, Ann
Jim, Tony, Jack, Ed (Spouses)!

Ed, Barney, Mike, John (More spouses)!!
Joe, Kim 
Josefa, Cindy, Nancy, Sharon, Phil

Our venerable hosts! 
 Patrick, Mr Oliveri!
.. and the breakfast at the Ben Mar (pics coming soon) wrapped up three great days of reconnecting that will be remembered for a long, long time. Those who couldn't make it were dearly missed. We expect them next time!

Continue to check Memory Lane for more pics of our weekend as they roll in. This blog shall remain up indefinitely; classmates have decided to try to get together quarterly. We will keep everyone whose email we have, near and far, apprised so that whomever is available to make it can gather. Keep checking our Memory Lane, Bio and Brag Book pages as people send in the photos of our fabulous weekend and their lives.

Years seem to be getting shorter, time has somehow flown right by, but despite how much longer each and every one of us has left together, we remain.. The Roses, the Mighty, Mighty Roses.. uhm.. Mary Jane.. how does the rest of this go.....?

Keep in touch, keep the faith and as Charley McHale always used to say, *Have a Happy*!!

Crystal Lake
St Rose Class of 1972
September 8, 2012