We are the Roses, the Mighty, Mighty Roses.. welcome classmates and friends to the St Rose of Carbondale Class of 1972 blogsite. We congregate and stay in touch here. If you'd like to join us or contact us, email slccmailbox-reunion@yahoo.com.
K guys.. JC has accepted the invite to be a contributor to the blog, giving him the ability to post pictures and such. So sign up the rest of you! The fun has just begun!!
Now this photo should get things going!
Wooohooo the HUNS!!!!
K guys.. JC has accepted the invite to be a contributor to the blog, giving him the ability to post pictures and such. So sign up the rest of you! The fun has just begun!!
I remember this day like it was yesterday. You know mary Ann is wearing my hat.
That's YOUR hat?? I can still picture her with her arms lifted walking all around the gym floor. Totally hilarious.
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