We are the Roses, the Mighty, Mighty Roses.. welcome classmates and friends to the St Rose of Carbondale Class of 1972 blogsite. We congregate and stay in touch here. If you'd like to join us or contact us, email slccmailbox-reunion@yahoo.com.
2 comments on the baseball pic - - imagine how much $$$ Msgr Horan saved by forcing us to wear the old St. Paul's uniforms (discarded when they merged to form Bishop Hannan) and if you read the fine print below the photo, notice that the Mighty Roses lost a nail-biter, 17-0...so much for Catholic Charity!
As for the Mighty Roses score.. *it never mattered whether you won or lost.. only how you played the game*!
Choo choo bang bang gosta get my boomerang.. ungowa great powa.. Roses are the best.. hit 'em in the chest.. whatcha gonna do? dance the boogaloo. C stands for CAN and D stands for DO.. us the Mighty Roses gonna sock it to you.. hey hey hey sock it to you!
2 comments on the baseball pic - - imagine how much $$$ Msgr Horan saved by forcing us to wear the old St. Paul's uniforms (discarded when they merged to form Bishop Hannan) and if you read the fine print below the photo, notice that the Mighty Roses lost a nail-biter, 17-0...so much for Catholic Charity!
Msgr Horan.. he was one thrifty guy!
As for the Mighty Roses score.. *it never mattered whether you won or lost.. only how you played the game*!
Choo choo bang bang gosta get my boomerang.. ungowa great powa.. Roses are the best.. hit 'em in the chest.. whatcha gonna do? dance the boogaloo. C stands for CAN and D stands for DO.. us the Mighty Roses gonna sock it to you.. hey hey hey sock it to you!
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